A Universal Algebraic Survey of C∞-Rings


  • Jean Cerqueira Berni Instituto de Matemática e Estatística da Universidade de São Paulo - IME-USP
  • Hugo Luiz Mariano Instituto de Matemática e Estatística da Universidade de São Paulo, IME-USP


C∞−rings, Algebraic constructions


This survey brings a detailed and systematic exposition of some fundamental results regarding the Universal Algebra of C∞−rings. Some of these were nowhere to be found – stated or proved – in the current literature. Our main contribution is to bundle these results up in a single text, using the unifying language of Universal Algebra and referring the reader to detailed proofs. Such a presentation is inspired by the treatment given by D. Joyce in [1] to some concepts involving these rings. Thus, we provide a comprehensive material with many known “taken for granted” results and constructions used everywhere in the literature about C∞−rings and their applications, providing a “propaedeutic exposition” for the reader’s benefit.


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Dominic Joyce. An introduction to C∞-schemes and C∞-algebraic geometry. arXiv:1104.4951, 2011.

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12/16/2022 — Updated on 12/19/2022


How to Cite

Cerqueira Berni, J. and Luiz Mariano, H. 2022. A Universal Algebraic Survey of C∞-Rings. Latin American Journal of Mathematics. 1, 01 (Dec. 2022), 8–39.


